Hemingway Transport Inc

Hemingway Transport Inc

Hemingway Transport Inc
New Bedford, MA
MC-030204 DoT 49989
Hemingway was purchased in 1976 and 1977 by East Texas Motor Freight, Consolidated Freightways, and Wilson Trucking Corp

Route Map - 1972
route map
Profiled in Mike Terebecki's The Trucking Pioneers Book II (click image to see Book index)


Seller Name Seller
R A Coupe Co Providence RI sld1939 DQ
Ruth Blinkhorn Transportation Pawtucket RI sld1943 DQ
Lippincott Express Pennsylvania PA sld1947 DQ
Barrows Transfer & Storage Co (portions) Waterville ME sld1953 DQ
Keough Storage Co Fall River MA sld1956 DQ
Brooks Transportation Co Inc Richmond VA sld1962 DQ
Faltin, J E , Motor Transportation Inc Manchester NH sld1963 DQ
Virginia Express Lines Inc VA VA sld1963 DQ
Novick Transfer Co Inc Winchester VA sld1965 DQ
J E Faltin Motor Transportation Inc Manchester NH sld1966 DQ
The New Dixie Lines Inc Richmond VA sld1966 DQ
New Dixie Lines Inc, The Richmond VA sld1969 DQ
Gleason Transportation Co Bellows Falls VT sld1972 DQ
White, H L , Mover Inc sld1973 DQ

Patches of it that are in my project - Facebook Trucking Industry Insignia Patches

c01b c02b c03b c04b c05b c06b o01b

Other known patches

If you want your own memoribilia:
Items available on eBay
Note that patches sold by "freedomfifty2k" and "bob82ndabn325inf"are likely promo/replica patches, not patches actually used by the company represented.